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Institutional Research

Data Reports - CR Fact Book

Student Demographics

Headcount by Gender, Ethnicity, Age, etc.

Demographics by Academic Year by Gender, Ethnicity, Age, etc.

Student Load and Status Status (new, transfer, etc.) & full/part-time load

Student Placement by ethnicity, age, and gender

Student Performance

Grades by subject, location, and academic year

Success and Retention by subject & course

Transfer-Level Direct Placement, Success, Throughput in English & Math

Persistence by full & part-time status

Completions of degrees and certificates

FTES & Enrollment by subject and location

Transfers to Four-Year Institutions by demographic subgroup

Transfers to CSUs

Student Services

Financial Aid

Special Populations: EOPS, DSPS, Veterans, Foster Youth, CARE, CalWORKS 

  2023 College of the Redwoods

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